Friday 18 February 2011

Double page spread

This is very close to the final design of my double page spread. However, I think A few details should be tweaked. I feel the quote on the left page doesn't stand out enough and the right side seems to empty. I will change these faults by changing the font style and colour for the left side so it is more clear and vivid. With the right side I will push the text closer to the headline and fit in a tour banner promotion which will link to the text.

This is the design for my double page spread for my music magazine coursework. I went for the the design of an image on the left page and the text on the other page. Choosing the right image for my double page spread was hard, harder than choosing any other image for the other parts of the magazine. I chose this image as the final one because the person's position faces towards the right page. This draws the readers eyes across the double page spread towards the text. I have also made the adjustments I felt necessary that I wrote about earlier. I even looked closer and focused on the smaller parts, I changed the arrow showing to turn the page into an image of a play button for fit into the theme of music.

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