Tuesday 15 February 2011

Kerrang! Front cover deconstruction

This front cover has a clear focus to the band, Metallica. This clearly shown through the size of the headline 'Metallica' being bigger than the font size of the Kerrang! masthead. This draws extreme focus to main purpose of the magazine. Also this is accentuated by James Hetfield position being in front of the masthead. Kerrang! are only able to do this because there brand has become so well known that they can cover up their masthead and people know what magazine it is, the magazine has become so popular they could leave the masthead out and it would still be recognizable through it's image and style. All band members of Metallica are all wearing black, this all black image fits to their genre of music and the genre of the magazine appealing to the audience through this similar interest.

The formation of the band members is important as well, James has the front position to represent he lead in the band and to show the hierarchy of members. I like this cover over other Kerrang! covers due to the simplistic layout. I feel like some of the Kerrang! covers are too hectic and messy. Due to the main focus on Metallica they have calmed this style down and just put tag lines and images at the bottom instead all over the cover. An example of this disorderly cover is below the text. I understand that this messy look to the magazine is to fit to the style of the demographic and the ethos and attitude of the magazine but in my opinion this may encourage the opposite affect and put the audience off. The cover below illustrates this, I feel they have tried to fit in too much and therefore pushed out the photo of Bullet for my Valentine. I believe letting the main photo take up the focus of the cover would create a more appealing and attractive cover. 

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