Friday 7 January 2011

Design ideas

I have taken two photos here to use to experiment with ideas for my magazine and what photoshop styles i could use. For the photo of the guitar neck i rotated it 90 degrees clockwise and then inverted the colour tone to create a bizarre and creative style to the photo. For the second photo i used an effect called posterise and gave it a strange red tint. Both of the photos that i have edited have been done to experiment with styles and ideas.

I have found by doing these photos that i like the ideas however, i don't think they will suit my magazine cover but i may use them in my double page spread. From my other photos i have edited i have come to the conclusion i would like to use a close up black and white photo to use for my magazine cover. I like the idea of using black and white because it makes it different to most magazine and by making it black and white it will strange out from all
the other typical magazines.

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