Monday 4 April 2011

Evaluation 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full production?

Doing a preliminary task before the production of my final product gave me greater awareness of how consideration of the target audience determines the outcome of decisions made during the production process. For example the preliminary project was good for me as both the prelimanary and my final product were aimed at the same demographic, my prelimanary was aimed at college students and my main project was aimed at college and older so I was able to use a lot of the features I found out for the preliminary in my main project. Without the preliminary project I wouldn't have learned the skills that I used a lot during my main project for example Blogger, Prezi and Slideshare. During the preliminary I was just getting used to using blogger and uploading but when it came to my final product I was confident using it which allowed me to use it quicker and it was a lot easier. 

I was able to use it for my planning and preparation which was vital as I was able to create a well thought out plan of how I wanted to make my magazine which was a lot easier to do then when I made the plan for my preliminary project. The main skills that I found useful before beginning the final product was the practice in the use of programmes such as, InDesign. After completing the preliminary task I felt that I had the skills needed to create and magazine front cover and other sections of the product. This shows to me how important the preliminary task is to making students feel comfortable with the technology before beginning that final task. 

There are other programmes that I didn't need the practice with Such as, Photoshop. This is a programme that I feel incredibly confident with because I have this programme at home and I have used it whilst doing GCSE media. The experience with Photoshop helped me manipulate photos in ways that I wouldn't have been normally able to do. Not everyone has these opportunities and I felt the need for the preliminary task, showing how necessary the preliminary task is and showing how much students learn from it and how they adapt this knowledge to the final task.    

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